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The southern maintenance
Category:Maintain knowledge   Publish:2014-02-12 10:11:42   View:620次 [Back]
Southern furniture painting as proof
1 , because the southern humid climate, to moisture, the surface of the furniture basically rub on a thin layer of lacquer . Su made furniture is characterized both inside and outside paint , inside and out are protected. Widely used for furniture also rub a layer of paint. Painted difficult for the average person , you can ask the professionals do . Beijing made hardwood furniture is not painted , only a layer of hot wax on the surface. Because the northern climate is dry, do not paint , but after the hot wax , furniture in use over a long period of repeated caress , the wax will soak the wood surface , oxidation , resulting patina .
2 , south through humid air conditioning dehumidification function , you can use the dry northern humidifier, so it can be adjusted to fit the humidity range.
3, note that one , during the rainy season when the need to store clothing and more, however, to moderate cabinet and storing objects , not to exceed doorframe , if often hard to squeeze crammed closet door will cause distortion .
Note that the second encounter when furniture surfaces infected with dirt , use mild soapy water , drying , waxing once again to restore the original appearance , avoid rubbing gasoline, kerosene , turpentine and other solvents liquid , otherwise it will rub off the surface of the paint and varnish gloss.
Note that three rainy indoor ventilation longer, furniture vulnerable to dust , so dust coating should always keep the furniture clean. Apply some liquid polishing wax , then with a dry , soft cloth to gently wipe down the wood back and forth , not used a wet rag or rough cloth to wipe up in order to avoid cracking phenomenon .
Note that four well-known , red wood surface is generally brittle , should always be taken to prevent bruising touch crack, if at the time of use or move , found at the focus off the tongue appears , be sure to re- glue sealed before use.

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